Welcome to USCStartups.io


First, fight on ✌️

Second, welcome to the first and only newsletter that covers Trojan founded startups. 

A little background on myself:

I graduated from USC in 2022 with a degree from Marshall. I love startups and venture capital. Previously founded an all-in-one skincare product, a twitter bot, and a no-code web 3 platform for creators. None of them worked out as I hoped, but hey, that's entrepreneurship. Now I work as a Tech Consultant at PwC and as a senior vc fellow at Blitzscaling Ventures.  

While I attended school at USC, I have always had trouble connecting with other USC founders and finding startups founded by USC students and alumni. It was only until recently that I found out companies like Salesforce, Tinder and League of Legends were founded by Trojans. That's insane! 

So I decided to build a public database that showcases all the startups founded by Trojans. 

The goal of this is to: 

  1. Help Trojan founders connect with other Trojan founders 🤝

  2. Help Trojans get jobs at Trojan-founded companies 💼

  3. Help Trojans raise funding from VCs 🚀

I will be covering startups from USC on a weekly basis in this newsletter and updates about this platform as I continue to work on it. 

There are a lot a lot of super cool companies and talented founders from USC. Can't wait to tell you guys about them! 

If you would like to contribute in anyway or get connected, shoot me a message on Linkedin.


Jerry Teng